Pre-Employment Transition
Pre-Employment Transition Services is most appropriate for
Current students receiving special education services
Students preparing to enter adulthood
“2018 Transition Camp”
Program Summary:
2018 Transition Camp is a four-week program for youth with disabilities ages 17-21 who are interested in exploring vocational and training options post-high school. Students will complete vocational assessments which will identify potential career options based on students' interests and expose them to other careers available within the labor market. Students will engage in activities designed to expose them to the world of work. Students will learn soft and hard skills, post-secondary education requirements for potential careers, learn essential information through informational interviews, and obtain work-based learning from current professionals. Additionally, students will learn about the benefits of work, when to disclose a disability, what is reasonable accommodations, how to deal with conflict within the workplace, and develop proper self-advocacy and self-determination skills. Students will have the option to receive FREE job placement services and additional support through the Ticket to Work program provided by our agency if they meet specific qualifications and elect to participate.
This program is fully funded by the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services. Vocational & Rehabilitation Consultants, LLC was awarded funds to administer the program at no cost to the participant.
General Program Information:
Students will engage in hands-on experiences, hear from knowledgeable speakers and professionals, engage in fun activities, and become exposed to soft skills designed to help them navigate the job market. We will provide:
- Job exploration counseling
- Workplace readiness training
- Self-advocacy/Mentoring instruction
- Counseling on enrolling in post-secondary education or other comprehensive training programs
- Work-based learning/internship
September 19-21, 2018
Location: USM Thad Cochran Center Room 218
Students are expected to attend each class session and work-based learning experience.
Students are expected to dress appropriately for each session. No tank tops or flips flops are allowed.
Students are expected to exhibit proper behavior and self-control that is generally displayed in a workplace setting. Students will respect staff and fellow participants at all times. Inappropriate sexual misconduct, bullying, fighting, foul language, name calling, arguing, or illegal actions will not be tolerated.
The student is expected to maintain appropriate hygiene for the duration of the program.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Sabrina Singleton, CRC
Vocational Expert/Project Director
(601) 583-6531